



DMO Special Issue 2022 – European Music Analysis and the Politics of Identity
In the wake of Philip Ewell’s article on “Music Theory and the White Racial Frame,” which focused on US music studies, this special issue examines the politics of identity in European musicology. Given that the methods and canonic repertoire of “music theory’s white racial frame” are mostly European, the intention behind the special issue is to bring forth scholarship that addresses some particularly European formations of musicology that complements and extends the US research on racism, whiteness, and their intersection with categories of gender, sex, ethnicity, and class in music theory. In this special issue, authors examine local, regional—and personal—histories and politics of European music analysis in case studies of Schenkerian and (neo-)Riemannian analysis, specific national formations of music theory, pedagogy, and whiteness, as well as reflections on what Ewell’s critique of music theory might mean in a European context.
Guest editors are Thomas Husted Kirkegaard and Mikkel Vad.

dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Thomas Husted Kirkegaard and Mikkel Vad
Introduction: European Music Analysis and the Politics of Identity
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px – peer reviewed –
Thomas Husted Kirkegaard
Schenker (not) in Scandinavia
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px – peer reviewed –
Bjørnar Utne-Reitan
Norse Modes
On Geirr Tveitt’s Theory of Tonality
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px – peer reviewed –
Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen
Funktionsteorien som masternarrativ
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px – colloquy –
Christopher Tarrant
Music, Theory, and Education in the Wake of Schenkergate: A UK Perspective
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px – colloquy –
Kate Maxwell and Sabina Fosse Hansen
Decolonizing Music History in Scandinavia
Reflections from the Chalkface
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px – colloquy –
Kjell Andreas Oddekalv
On Being a White Norwegian Analysing Rap

Acces the entire special issue about European Music Analysis and the Politics of Identity as pdf

DMO Special issue 2021 Music and community
The nine articles in this special issue of DMO deal with ‘music and community’. The special issue was initiated by a network of research, art, and music institutions in and around the city of Roskilde, Denmark. This network consists of Music City Roskilde, Roskilde University, Roskilde Festival, University College Absalon, Rock Museum Ragnarock, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Rhythmic Music Conservatory, and the Music Library in Roskilde. In the special issue you can find articles about creative collaboration in jazz bands, the role of music in ethnic-based associations, communal singing during the COVID-19 pandemic, musicking among younger persons with dementia, community building in kindergartens and after-school clubs, among others. The guest editor is Mikkel Snorre Wilms Boysen.

dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Mikkel Snorre Wilms Boysen
Editorial introduction
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Lars Brinck
Collective Creative Matters
Jazz band participation as learning
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Dan Hvidtfeldt, Lene Tanggaard
Identity in creative communities
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Henrik Marstal
Alene sammen, sammen alene
Medialiseret morgensang i coronakrisens første tid
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Hugo Jensen, Lars Ole Bonde
Hjerterum og plads til hvem du er
Gruppemusikterapi for yngre mennesker med demens
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Maria Westvall
Participatory Music-making in Diasporic Contexts
Bridging the Past, Present, and Future in Cultural Production
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Mikkel Snorre Wilms Boysen
The Rise of The RIA Collective
A case study of after-school clubs’ attempts to foster creative and inclusive music communities among young people
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Frederik Kjær Zeuthen
Musical microimprovisation
Investigating pedagogues’ spontaneous use of music in everyday situations as a driving force of community building in kindergarten
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Thomas Thorsen
Når musikalske fællesskaber sætter spor i den pædagogiske hverdag i dagtilbud
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Anya Mathilde Poulsen
Kønsdiversitet og fællesskaber for handling
Et aktuelt billede af debatten om og arbejdet for en mere lige kønsrepræsentation i dansk musik med HUN SOLO som case

Acces the entire special edition about Music and community as pdf

DMO vol. 10 2020-2021
August 1, 2019, Morten Michelsen was appointed Professor in Music at Aarhus University. The first article in volume 10 is a revised version of his inaugural lecture as Professor held September 24, 2019.
Palle Schantz Lauridsen (University of Copenhagen) is the author of the second article ‘Beatopera og beatballet: Rockmusikken og Det Kongelige Teater i årene omkring 1970’, in which he discusses music events around 1970 that constitute a clash between youth culture and high culture.

dmo_vol_10_01_ill_120 Morten Michelsen
Det høje, det lave og alt det ind imellem.
Nogle musikkulturelle forandringer i det 20. århundrede
dmo_vol_10_02_ill_120 Palle Schantz Lauridsen
Beatopera og beatballet:
Rockmusikken og Det Kongelige Teater i årene omkring 1970

Kim Boeskov
Kan musik skabe en bedre verden?
En diskussion af musik som redskab for en social forandring

se abstract



vol. 9 2018-2019
This issue of DMO is the ordinary issue comprising the years 2018-2019. It contains articles written by
Tore Tvarnø Lind (University of Copenhagen), Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen (University of Copenhagen),
Thais Lima Nicodemo (Universidade Estadual de Campina, Brasilien), Mads Krogh (Aarhus University)
and Astrid Maaløe (University of Copenhagen).

dmo_vol_09_00_ill_120px Forord
dmo_vol_09_01_ill_120px Tore Tvarnø Lind
dmo_vol_09_02_ill_120px Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen
Parallel og Stedfortræder
dmo_vol_09_03_ill_120px Thais Nicodemo
Music Censorship and Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) throughout Brazil’s Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985)

Mads Krogh
Music-Genre Abstraction, Dissemination and Trajectories

see abstract


Astrid Maaløe
Uden ord: Om æstetiske oplevelser som vej ud af fordomme


Access the entire Vol. 9 as pdf

DMO Special Issue 2019: New Danish Musicology - In a Short Format
This special issue of DMO contains 7 short articles written by a group of former students at Danish Musicology Departments.
All articles are written in Danish.  

dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Mads Walther-Hansen, Kristine Ringsager, Tore Tvarnø Lind
og Lea Wierød Borčak

dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Anne Dueholm Jacobsen
At synge sorgen ud
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Ditte Askholm
Dannelse som argument for musikskoleundervisning
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Nina Agerskov
Fortællinger om det anderledes
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Bjarke Lindbøg Behr
Music Mind Games i folkeskolen
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Christoffer Hildebrandt
Ekstremmetal og affekt
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Signe Marie Svennum
Rhizomatisk musikalitet
dmo_saernummer_2019_ill_120px Martin Rahbek og Rasmus Krøyer
Skjulte budskaber i Arrival-soundtracket

Access the entire special edition about New Danish Musicology as pdf (in Danish only)

DMO Special issue 2018 on music institutions (in Danish only)
The articles in this special issue of DMO deal with ‘music institutions’: Danish Broadcast Corporation, folk music houses, music schools in Greenland, Danish music business, opera in Denmark, church music schools, The Danish Music Museum, and the ‘songbook’ as a music institution.

Guest editors are Charlotte Rørdam Larsen and Anja Mølle Lindelof

dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Anja Mølle Lindelof og Charlotte Rørdam Larsen
De usynlige institutioner – fraværet af nutidige musikinstitutioner i dansk musikvidenskab
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Morten Michelsen
I med- og modspil: Danmarks -Radio, dansk musikliv og jazzens institutionalisering


dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Henrik Marstal
Gamle rammer, nye måder? En undersøgelse af sangbogens institutionelle status i Danmark i det tidlige 21. århundrede
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Ole Brinth
Folkekirkens kirkemusikskoler
Om musik i kirken, om kirkemusik og om at uddanne -kirkemusikere
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Lars Ole Bonde
’Institutionen opera’ i Danmark – 50 års udviklingshistorie
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Lisbet Torp, Ulla Hahn Ranmar og Marie Martens
Musikmuseet – Musikhistorisk -Museum & Carl Claudius’ Samling
En udviklingshistorie
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Rasmus Rex Pedersen
Musikbranchen i Danmark
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Andreas Otte
Musikskolerne i Grønland – i -spændet mellem formel og uformel læring
dmo_saernummer_2018_ill_120px Lene Halskov Hansen
Forflytning af folkemusik fra “gulv til gulv”
En dansk folkemusikbevægelse i 1970-80’erne

Access the entire special edition about the musical institutions as pdf (in Danish only)