Purpose and organization DMO comprises a publication committee with members from the music departments of the universities of Aalborg, Aarhus, and Copenhagen, the Royal Library, the Danish Folklore Archives, The Danish Music Conservatories, and the Danish Society for Music Research. The editorial board is composed of four members from the universities of Aalborg, Aarhus, and Copenhagen. The universities’ own journals Col Legno, Cæcilia, and Musik & Forskning merged upon the founding of DMO. Access to these journals' articles in electronic form is available on DMO's homepage. Currently, 14 music researchers from Nordic institutions form DMO's peer review panel. The editorial board can add reviewers to the panel according to need. DMO's primary task is to publish peer-reviewed research articles. In addition, DMO publishes non-peer reviewed material such as working papers, discussion threads or small contributions, reports on activities in diverse research milieu and so on. DMO is published on the Internet and is freely available at www.danishmusicologyonline.dk. This electronic publishing form provides the opportunity to link to supplementary material, examples and so forth. DMO is financed with a grant from the Danish Research Council for Independent Research – Culture and Communication. |
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